
1/4oz Canadian Maple Leaf - Varied Years

Fabricant: Royal Canadian Mint
Coin Weight:
Gold Purity:
Royal Canadian Mint
UK-wide Delivery:
7-10 days
Disponibilité : Rupture de stock
Royal Canadian Mint

Over 125 years ago, Royal Canadian Mint was formed as a sovereign mint with the authority to produce all legal tender coins on behalf of the Canadian government. In 1979, the Royal Canadian Mint expanded to create gold bullion coins.

Since then, the Royal Canadian Mint has minted iconic coins that often showcase Canadian heritage, culture and natural beauty. As an example, the Canadian Maple Leaf gold coins are very popular with individuals who want to build an international portfolio of gold coins to protect their wealth and act as a hedge against inflation and external forces.

The Royal Canadian Mint has even created the largest gold coin in the world (weighing 100kg and with a face value of $1million).

You can quickly and easily purchase coins from the Royal Canadian Mint through Direct Bullion - either online or by phone.

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